Litteratur og evidens for ISTDP

Litteratur og evidens for ISTDP

Litteratur og evidens for ISTDP

ISTDP – Litteratur

Abbass A. et. al. (2006): Short-term psychodynamic psychotherapies for common mental disorders (Review). Wiley&Sons, Ltd

Abbass A. (2015): Reaching through Resistance, Advanced Psychotherapy Techniques. Seven Leaves Press

Abbass A, og Schubiner H.(2018) Hidden From View, a clinicians guide to psychopsysiologic disorders.

Davanloo, H. (1990): Unlocking the Unconscious. Wiley

Davanloo, H. (2000): Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy. Wiley

Della Selva, P.C. (2001:) Intensiv Dynamisk Korttidsterapi, Reizel, Kbh.

Della Selva, P.C. (2001): Dynamic assessment of functioning in Davanloos ISTDP in Josette ten Have de Labije (Ed): The working alliance in ISTDP, Whose interpsychic Crisis? VKDP 2001

Frederickson, J. (2013): Co Creating Change, Effective Dynamic Therapy Technics.

Have-de Labije, J. (2006): “When Patients enter with Anxiety on the Forefront” i Ad Hoc Bulletin of Short-term Dynamic Psychotherapy, Practise and Theory, vol.10, number 2

Have-de Labije, J. (2009): “Helping the patients to experience feelings: understanding the role of defences in emotion regulation and the implication for ISTDP practitioners. Part 1” i Ad Hoc Bulletin of Short-term Dynamic Psychotherapy, Practise and

Theory, vol.13, number 1
Malan, D. (1979): Individual Psychotherapy and the Science of Psychodynamics. Butterworth

Malan, D. & Della Selva, P.C. (2006): Lives Transformed. Karnac

Solomon M.F., Neborsky R.J., McCoullough L., Alpert M., Shapiro F., Malan D. (2001): Short-Term Therapy for Long-Term Change. W.W.Norton, London

ISTDP – Evidens

Der er lavet en del effektforskning vedr. korttidsdynamisk psykoterapi. Her vil vi kort referere 3:

1) Short-Term Psychodynamic Psychotherapy for Personality Disorders:

A Critical Review of Randomised Controlled Trials
Town J, Abbass A, Hardy G, In Press Journal of Personality Disorders

Evidensen for Short-Term Psychodynamic Psychotherapy (STPP) I behandlingen af personlighedsforstyrrelser blev vurderet via undersøgelser, hvor der er brugt  randomised controlled designs. En litteratursøgning fandt 8 publicerede randomiserede kliniske undersøgelser. En gennemgang af disse leder til den foreløbige konklusion, at STPP kan ses som en virkningsfuld empirisk understøttet behandlingsmulighed for en række personlighedsforstyrrelser, og at behandlingen medfører betydelige forbedringer for en stor procentdel af populationen også over tid.

2) Short-Term Psychodynamic Psychotherapy for Somatic Disorders
Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Clinical Trials
Allan Abbass, Stephen Kisely, Kurt Kroenke.

Konklusionen i denne gennemgang er, at STPP kan være effektiv ved en række medicinske og fysiske tilstande, når der i forbindelse med patienternes generelle helbredsmæssige tilstand fokuseres på den følelsesmæssige funktion.

3) The efficacy of short-term psychodynamic psychotherapy for depression:

A meta-analysis.

Ellen Driessen, Pim Cuijpers, Saskia C.M. de Maat, Allan A. Abbass c,
Frans de Jonghe, Jack J.M. Dekker. I Clinical Psychology Review 30 (2010) 25–36

Konklusionen i denne metaanalyse er, at der er tydelige indikationer på, at STPP er effektivt i behandlingen af depression hos voksne.

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